These dynamic and structural investigations are used to determine how symmetric or asymmetric you may be:
- Very seldom do humans demonstrate symmetry in function (our function changes as time passes) or structure (genetically we are seldom designed symmetrically) .
- Often the pain and discomfort people experience from their feet is created over many years functionally, from the different ways in which we stand, walk or run.
- There are 26 bones in each foot, which interreact with each other in subtly different ways creating asymmetry between function of the two feet.
- This asymmetry is magnified into subtle differences in ankle leg, knee and leg function escalating to affect hips and back structures as well.
- Carrying out a biomechanical analysis allows us to identify and quantify abnormal function.
A biomechanical assessment and gait analysis typically includes:
- static measurement of joint movements
- limb length measurements
- computerised gait analysis
- sometimes computerised pressure analysis
Gait Analysis
- Gait analysis is a visual assessment of an individual’s walking pattern.
- The patients walking pattern (gait) is video recorded whilst walking/running on a treadmill and this is replayed in slow motion to break down components of their gait pattern in a more detailed manner.
- It is a diagnostic tool which helps highlight any functional abnormalities that may have caused or have contributed to the individual’s problem.
- The differences are explained to you as the patient by the practitioner verbally and abbreviated in writing as required.
Computerised Pressure Analysis
- Computerised pressure analysis is a useful quantifiable tool which helps map how the foot loads during the gait cycle and whether there are any prolonged high pressure points placed on the foot during this process.
- This allows us to identify where changes need to be made to help relieve pain and/or improve efficiency with the introduction of padding or orthoses.